Monday, 11 March 2013

Labour signs

In the first week before labour you will notice signs that are preparing your body for the labour which means you havnt got much longer to go.

Braxton Hicks Contractions: These are a painless tightening of the uterine wall. They may occur on and off from as early as 6 months.

Nesting instinct: You may have a sudden burst of energy you may feel like cleaning and making everything just right for the new baby.

Pre-Menstral feelings: You may experience feelings simular to feeling before your period like low nagging backache.

Pregnancy signs

These are only signs that you maybe pregnant, if you are showing signs of pregnancy its important you go to your local family planning clinic or doctor and get a test to confirm this. Before you panic yourself.
  • The fisrt sign of pregnancy may be a missed period although some women still get very light bleeding but this is quite rare.
  • Feeling sick at anytime of the day not just in the morning, sertan smells will make you ill.
  • Change of taste you may not longer tolorate alcahol or cigarettes.

Ultrasound Index -- Dozens of extremely high-quality ultrasound images

First Trimester :

By the end of the first month after conception, a simple functioning circulatory system has developed in the embryo. The spinal cord is closed and the embryo is 1/6 inch long (4mm). At the end of the second month the cardiac valves and four chambers of the heart are established and functioning.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

What happens at later prenatal appointments?

After your initial evaluation, each visit will involve measuring the growth of your tummy, listening for the fetal heartbeat, measuring your blood pressure, urine protein and sugar, and recording your weight.
At about 15-20 weeks, an abdominal ultrasound will be done to rule out any structural problems. Special blood tests like alpha fetal protein to measure the risk of Down's Syndrome and other chromosomal problems will be offered at about 15 weeks.

Pregnancy Ask Question?

  That morning in your bathroom you held in your hand a white plastic strip the size of a stick of bubble gum. It held in two compartments, a pair of mathematical symbols. A plus sign and a minus sign.
With a drop of fluid, and the passage of a few glacial seconds, that little strip wondrously changed your life. A plus sign. Plus means positive. As in, positively pregnant. Soon to be a mother.

How do IFM member companies implement the WHO Code?

IFM recognizes The WHO Code calls on governments to take action appropriate to their social and legislative framework and their overall development objectives to give effect to the aim and principles of the WHO Code.

 IFM member companies have cooperated with governments in these efforts, and strictly respect national legislation, regulations and other government measures in all countries where action has been taken.

What products are covered under the scope of the Who Code?

The WHO Code applies to products which are "marketed or otherwise represented to be suitable" for use as a "partial or total replacement of breast-milk". However, this definition, without any age limitation, has led to confusion as it can include almost any food.

An explanation of the scope of the WHO Code was given by a representative of the WHO Executive Board before the Code was adopted by the World Health Assembly, and is included as Annex 3 to the Code, which explains the meaning of the Scope.