Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Support Breastfeeding, Anywhere, Anytime

Recently I have been giving a lot of thought to the show of support for breastfeeding. It occurs to me that doctors and hospitals openly advocate breastfeeding, as do support networks like the La Leche League, but I have never seen open support by any other group of people or organization. Breastfeeding is treated like something that is tolerated in our society, not encouraged by any organization outside of the health care profession. I know through my reading and studying of local legislation that I have the right to feed my child any where I have the right to be, but is the average mother armed with this information when she makes the decision on how to feed her baby?

Daily I am surprised at how many women of infants I see using bottles. If breastfeeding rates are going up, then women who breast-feed must be in the closet, because I never encounter them.
My friends tell me of women they know that within one week of leaving the hospital give up on nursing. This is usually either because of the soreness associated with nursing in the beginning or with the "inconvenience of it" . What inconvenience I ask? The inconvenience of never having to heat a bottle? Or what about the inconvenience of not having to be sure that the formula is kept at a safe temperature for storing? Oh, and don't forget the inconvenience of saving money that might be spent on formulas! When I talk to mothers who do not continue to nurse, it seems the inconvenience they are referring to is the uncertainty they feel about nursing in public. This seems to me an area which could be easily improved.

Most states in the United States have legislation supporting public breastfeeding. Mothers need to be made aware of that legislation. Shops and restaurants should place decals of some sort on their store windows showing support of nursing moms. Business should make an effort to stop the practice of mothers nursing their infants in dirty rest-room stalls because they do not feel welcome to feed their children in the store where they may be seen by others! breastfeeding IS NOT INDECENT EXPOSURE, and mothers should not be made to feel that it is!

Yes, I do have a suggestion on how a dent in the public ignorance of breastfeeding may be accomplished. AIDS supporters wear a red ribbon to show their support in the fight against this devastating disease. Breast cancer awareness is shown with a pink ribbon. Free speech on the web is advocated with a blue ribbon. Why not a ribbon to show support of mothers who feed their babies the way nature intended? We should "Educate not Alienate" people about the goodness of breastfeeding, and by wearing or displaying a lavender ribbon, people and organizations can send the message that breastfeeding is supported.

I would like to urge people to copy the following image and display it on their web-pages. Through support and education, hopefully all babies can receive the benefits of breastfeeding!

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