I'm currently 6 weeks pregnant, what should I be asking my Ob/Gyn? I want to keep a list with me so I know exactly what to ask. Any suggestions?
I'm currently 6 weeks pregnant, what should I be asking my Ob/Gyn? I want to keep a list with me so I know exactly what to ask. Any suggestions?
This is a thrilling time for most pregnant women, and sometimes with all of the excitement we tend to forget to ask specific questions. It is understandable to be fearful and feel a need to be exact. Below are just a few suggestions you might consider asking your doctor during your next visit:
- When is my estimated due date? This is counted by the first day of your LMP (Last Menstrual Period)
This is a thrilling time for most pregnant women, and sometimes with all of the excitement we tend to forget to ask specific questions. It is understandable to be fearful and feel a need to be exact. Below are just a few suggestions you might consider asking your doctor during your next visit:
- When is my estimated due date? This is counted by the first day of your LMP (Last Menstrual Period)
- I have several symptoms but lacking others, can you tell me if what I am feeling is normal?
- Can I still exercise? Which exercises are safe?
- Are there things I should be avoiding? Household chemicals? Tell him/her what kind of job you have, and what chemicals you currently work with.
- May I have a nutrition guide to follow? Make sure to bring in something showing what you eat daily, she that he/she can determine if your diet is appropriate.
- Will my pre-natal vitamins be low in Vitamin A to protect my baby from it's toxicity? High doses of vitamin A are toxic, but Beta Carotene is not. There will be both in your pre-natal vitamin, but request a prescription that has less vitamin A. Today's cereals are fortified with more than enough vitamin A alone.
- When is the best time to take my pre-natal vitamin? Morning? Night? We recommend taking your pre-natal vitamin right before bed, to avoid unnecessary morning sickness.
- What is the current measurement of my uterus? You may want to ask this during each visit. It is good to keep informed.
- What tests will be done for each of my visits? How often will I be visiting?
- Is the sac where it should be? (During the sonogram examination)
- Is the baby growing as it should according to the week I am in.
- Are my hCG levels rising? Will you be checking weekly in the beginning to see the progression?
- When should I start pre-natal classes? (We recommend you ask this on your first visit. Some Lamaze classes are booked solid, and you want to make sure you get a space in time).
- Is my cervix closed and blue-purple in colour? (It should be closed and this colour. They are signs of pregnancy/healthy pregnancy. An opening in the cervix is a sign of possible trouble).
- Does everything look well enough for me to continue in my sexual activities? If you have any complaints of slight bleeding or cramping, your doctor will advise you to put intercourse on the back burner for a few days until it subsides.
During the first few weeks of pregnancy, you have an opportunity to look for a doctor that suits your needs. You want one that is intelligent, experienced and sensitive to your thoughts and needs. If the doctor you see currently does not wait long enough in the room for you to ask questions, change doctors. If he/she is too busy, there may be mistakes made and you will only be left questioning him/her.
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