Sunday, 3 February 2013

All about Baby weaning

Equipment needed

You need not spend a great deal of money of weaning equipment and you will find that most of the things you already have around the house. You should look at equipment that the baby can use later on to help them feed themselves that way you will not have to splash out again.
High chair:
You will need a high chair or a clip on chair that can be clipped onto a table make sure you buy a chair with lap and shoulder safety harnesses
and a big tray is ideal as your baby will get in a mess once they start to feed themselves.

A high chair should be used when your baby can sit up well uless you get a padded high chair that you are able to lie back. Before they can sit up a boucy chair will do as they can support your babies back.
Weaning bowls and spoons:
Weaning bowls should be made of heat proof plastic you can get bowls with a heat sensor so that the bowl will change colour if it is to hot for baby to eat.
Suction pads at the bottom of the bowl are always a good idea for when baby starts to feed themself.
Your spoon should have a long handle and a small shallow end and no  hard edges.

Food preparation
You will need some equipment to puree the baby food you could push the food though a sieve to save money. But if you would like something more effective you could eather use a food processor, a hand blender or a baby food grinder as pictured.
Freezer storage
In order to be able to freeze your baby food you will need a few ice cube trays. These are ideal because as your baby increases there food intake you can defrost an extra cube for them.
Frezzer pots are ideal for transporting baby food if you are due to go out.
You will need half a dozen more bibs as your baby will get into more of a mess. Big bibs with sleeves protect your babies clothes the best, plastic bibs are easy to wipe and clean, it is a good idea to used a plastic bib over a longsleeve bib for ultermate protection.

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