Sunday, 3 February 2013

So your pregnant and your thinking what know?

So your pregnant and your thinking what know? There are choices open to you none of them are easy but the important thing to remember is this is your body, your life and your decision. Nobody but you can decide whats best for you, take peoples advice, talk to people and listen to them but its you that makes the final disition.

Keeping the baby
Keeping the baby may seem like the right thing to do and in many cases it is but this does not mean that its right for you.

You have to consider the financial side as well as the emotional side and decide weather it would be the best thing for your baby.
Babies cost allot of money theirs, nappies, childcare, food, clothes, shoes, birthdays, Christmas, prams, cots, milk and believe me the list goes on and on.
Would the babies father help out with the cost? would your parents financially support you? can you support yourself?
Being a teenage mother there is big emotional commitments as well as your adolescent hormones roaming around you will get the hormones of any other new mum and they don't go well together. Have you got the family or close friend support to get you through this? The reason I say close friend is that many of your friends although you wont think it now will grow apart from you because they cant understand and don't want to deal with what you are going through.
Babies don't stay babies for long and soon they will be thoroughgoing toddler tantrums  and running riot, You need to have allot of time on your hands to teach them things and discipline them.
As well as all this down side there is a great up side, they bring allot of joy and love they are so rewarding in many ways.

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